Wednesday, September 06, 2006

You know you're really tired when...

you go upstairs to get ready for bed after falling asleep on the couch, and go to take your contact lenses out, but the only contact lens case you can find has liquid and lenses in it already, so you get all frustrated, look through the entire bathroom (which is admittedly the size of 2 high school lockers), and check the bedrooms swearing about the stupid lenses the whole time and just wanting to go to bed.

Then, you go downstairs and search through the still mostly unpacked suitcase, taking everything out of it, wondering where the heck they could be, baffled at your inability to find them.

Then you check every other possible spot on the main floor you could have put them, swearing about having nowhere to put your stupid contact lenses after they're out of your stupid eyes, because you just want to go to stupid bed, and getting kinda ticked at your husband for not dropping everything to join in the Great Search For The Contact Lens Case cause damnit you Just Want To Go To Bed!

Finally, in complete exasperation, you go upstairs to look for them again, only to have it pointed out to you when you get to the top of the stairs (exasperated, frustrated and a wee bit cranky), that you're wearing your glasses, which is why the lens case had lenses in it in the first place and all you had to do twenty minutes ago was take them off your face and pass out in your normal lump format in bed under your nice new sheets and big fluffy duvet.


ElaineMI said...

Hi Heather.....I had Lasik surgery January, 2005. I'm still reaching for my glasses when I get up in the morning and every now and then, I try to push them up my nose because I think they're sliding down. I feel your pain!!

Anonymous said...

Totally excusable. It was past your bedtime.

I suffer the same fate. Too tired to think. Now where did I put my glasses?

Anonymous said...

Okay...that's a major case of "tired"! Makes me sleepy just reading about it.

~ said...

Post wedding burn-out is the best. There is nothing left to do but the thank yous, and both you and your families have had waaaay too much of each other to keep in as close contact during the wedding planning.

Embrace the ever-loving fog, embrace it and your husband AND NEVER LET GO!!!

Unless it's to stop an animal from eating soap.

Soap tastes good.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, Heather - HILARIOUS!! I've done the same thing with my mouthguard - searched hours for it only to be reminded by my own lisping that I already have it in. So sad . . .

Chicky Chicky Baby said...

I'm sorry, but I laughed. It's probably not nice to laugh at someone's uncomfortable situation, but damn that was funny!

Anonymous said...


I find that if I don't have my afternoon cappuccino I start calling my children by the wrong name and putting my cell phone in the refrigerator.

Pioneer Woman said...

Ugh. I feel your pain. Go to bed EARLY tonight! I make myself do it once a week. For survival.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are getting caught up on your sleep and back to your normal schedule. This weekend will probably help a lot.
PS I'm dying for honeymoon photos!

Sandra said...

Oh I could have written this one. So. tired.

LOVE your new blog photo :)

Anonymous said...

When I'm really tired, I loathe the prospect of having to take out my contacts. Urrrghhhh....

Heather said...

ElaineMI: I really want lasik but it's not in the budget. Maybe someday.

Something blue: I think it was past my bedtime a couple of weeks ago.


Waghorns: I can't wait until we're done the thank-yous and wedding season is over for the year. I think if I were asked to attend a wedding this weekend I'd turn into the incredible hulk and smash I can't wait until this weekend when we can genuinely relax together.

roro: I figured confession was good for the soul.

Mrs. Chicky: I can laugh now too.

Sweatpantsmom: I really only occasionaly drank coffee (like monthly) before but am starting to think I'll buy a coffee maker soon.

ree: A fantastic idea I should follow. I can't wait until we can just relax this weekend.

TB: Actually last weekend I spent saturday cleaning the house top to bottom (of all the wedding chaos and dog and cat hair) and hosted my great aunt on Saturday, then drove 4 hours each way (!) to go to a friend's wedding shower on Sunday, and worked every day this week.

Sunshine scribe: I think we've all been there.

Izzy: I dread it too.

kittenpie said...

God, I'm laughing now. Thanks, I needed that.

Heather said...

Kittenpie: Glad I can provide at least some comic relief. :)

Bea said...

That is so EXACTLY something I would do (in fact, I saw it coming as soon as you found the lenses in their case...).